With so many financial products to choose from, we apply our expertise to selecting those that we believe will best support your objectives while incurring the lowest risk necessary to do so
Our Services
While we certainly can’t predict what the future will bring, we can predict with certainty how well we prepare for it and how we respond to challenges and opportunities along the way.
And that’s precisely what we help our clients do — apply meticulous planning and rational, strategic decision-making to the pursuit of their lifelong financial goals.
As advisors, we believe there is an intricate, elegant science to the management and preservation of significant wealth. So we adhere faithfully to proven principles and approach our work with an academic attention to detail. We offer a broad range of services to fit many kinds of financial needs. Take a look below at some of what we have to offer and the strategies we use to manage your investments.
Holistic Personal Financial Planning
Managing your finances is an important component to any financial security plan. Money management strategies help you manage your savings on a daily basis, as well as formulate an effective plan for the long haul. Our holistic personal financial planning process is designed to connect your financial decisions to the people, decisions, and goals that matter most in your life.
Legacy & Charitable Giving
Everyone has their own reason for gifting their assets or a portion of their income to charitable organizations. Some find comfort in helping others who are less fortunate, while others simply want to share their good fortune. Whether you’re donating or getting assets ready for your heirs, we’ll help you weigh important tax benefits and understand how these contributions will affect your overall wealth and planning.
Socially Conscious (ESG) Investing
Align your financial goals with your values. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance — the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an investment. Our ESG strategies vary to fit your needs. As global concerns grow surrounding climate change and human rights, many seek to know that their wealth is not only growing, but contributing to a greater good for all.
Retirement Planning
Retirement planning today has taken on many new dimensions that never had to be considered by earlier generations. We’re here to guide you into developing a solid financial plan, one that will help to realize aspirations, dreams, and anticipate all of life’s obstacles. The goal is to ensure your current and future income and expenses are compatible with pursuing your lifelong goals.
Investment Management
Investments can play a key role in your financial security plan. It is difficult to accumulate wealth without using these vehicles, and it can be a daunting task figuring out which are best-suited for your individual needs. Assessing risk tolerance, investment objectives, and retirement time frame will help us craft a careful and purposeful mix of savings to help achieve your goals.
Women’s Wealth
Personal finance can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Based on what you want most out of life, we can help you construct and implement a customized financial plan that prioritizes your goals. We understand the specific needs of women when conquering events such as striving for financial independence, making your money work for you, navigating a divorce, or dealing with the loss of a partner.
Investment Strategies
Beta Balanced Strategy™
Targets those that seek moderate growth in principal with modest income and hence modest market volatility, and is generally suitable for clients that have a mid-to-long term investment horizon. This strategy involves choosing a portfolio that has a combination of bonds, bond-like instruments and defensive dividend-paying equity mutual funds or individual equities with growth potential. We construct our Beta Balanced portfolios to have a standard deviation equal to 50% of the broader market’s standard deviation.
Beta Enhanced Income Strategy™
Serves to act as an overlay to a client’s existing diversified investment portfolio, with the goal of adding income. The strategy involves writing Out of the Money (OTM) put options on a diversified portfolio of high quality, reasonably valued, mostly dividend-paying common stocks in the US, sector ETFs or specific market indices while employing appropriate leverage. Historical data from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) on the Put Write Index (BXM) has illustrated that a portfolio employing a Put Write strategy has the potential to lessen overall portfolio volatility while capturing incremental yield.
Beta High Growth Strategy™
Targets those that seeks longer-term aggressive growth in principal and hence can withstand high market volatility, and is generally suitable for clients that have a long-term investment horizon which we define as a full market cycle that ranges from 6-10 years. The above strategy involves choosing a portfolio that has a combination of growth-oriented equity mutual funds/ETFs or individual equities, balanced between US and International assets. We construct our Beta High Growth portfolios such that they have a standard deviation matching that of the broader market.
Beta ESG
For those that seek growth in principal with modest income and hence modest market volatility, but with the additional requirement that these portfolios take into consideration environmental, social and governance factors alongside investment metrics during the investment decision-making process. This strategy is suitable for clients that wish to invest over a mid-to-long term investment horizon in a manner that aligns with their core values and involves choosing a portfolio that has a combination of bonds, bond-like instruments and defensive dividend-paying equity mutual funds or individual equities with growth potential.
Beta Growth Strategy™
Targets those that seeks longer-term growth in principal with a modest amount of income and hence reasonably high market volatility, and is generally suitable for clients that have a long-term investment horizon which we define as a full market cycle that ranges from 6-10 years. This strategy involves choosing a portfolio that has a combination of growth-oriented equity mutual funds/ETFs or equities with a slight tilt to US over International equities. We construct our Beta Growth portfolios such that they have a standard deviation closer to that of the broader market.
Beta Income Strategy™
For those that seek income with minimal impairment of principal and is generally suitable for clients that are seeking to take regular distributions to fund their retirement or other financial needs. This strategy involves choosing a portfolio that is overweight bonds from either the corporate or municipal market, bond-like instruments such as preferred stocks and dividend-paying equity funds or equity exchange traded funds (ETFs). We construct our Beta Income portfolios such that they have a standard deviation well below that of the broader market, and utilize the Barclays Aggregate Bond index as the appropriate benchmark for this strategy.
— The above Investment Strategies are proprietary to Beta Wealth Group —

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